Saturday, April 14, 2007

Time to wake up...

Finally, I wake up. My long lost diary gets a shock wave surging through its brain, that awakens the long dead.

Life always comes a a shock in the real world. In the virtual world, it is a unique existential issue. Simply because as a blog, you exist as an alter ego. A mirror, a diary and at times, a simple doormat. A place for people to dump their emotions, to wallow in pride, to show off the wonderful brain they think their God has bestowed on them. As a blog, however, it rarely matter. The medium is never more than just being there. Its importance is always in the background, like the paper that is never as important as what is written on it, and yet without it, what was written could never have existed.

Gaining importance is not always the highest priority in one's existence. Doing what one is meant to do, on the other hand, is. I never whine when my maker does not write anything on me in the last 2 yrs. I know that when he did write something, my purpose was fulfilled. And that, to me, is nirvana.

There is a purpose for existence. And once you know what it is, the rest is child's play.

I should stay alive for a longer time now, so do keep reading me( and my diary here.

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