Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I am.....

Hello world....

I am no human..I have no life...still I am life...

I do not exist in reality, but in cyberspace its me who exists...

I am...coherent rambling...the blog of a software engineer...

And this is my blog!!!


Sray said...

Funny that you have the same name as your creator (Ashish)...

@$#!$# said...

oh that's the saddest part of my existence...

i carry the name of my creator(still)

he's stuck to me like a tail to a lion...

oh..and even my responses will have his name....

wise donkey said...

what every writer hates is to give credit to someone else.

hey u can make creat ur own id, coherent ramblings,

change the blog settings of this blog, to multiple blog authors and ask ashish to make u a co author and then write this blog in ur name and still have the link to your diary(this blog) and your identity (ashish blog) in ashish name.

ok i think i didnt explain properly.
hmmm i havent tried that multiple one, but i think if u see blogger help it would be easy.

@$#!$# said...

Oh WD how I wish i'd do that...

but I am coherent rambling, and ashish's profile is my home...

and I sure can't abandon my creator(agreed he's idiotic, still...the poor guy brought me into being), and so i'll let it be this way..though I'll keep asserting my existence very often.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »