Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What's in a name anyways...

So I've finally accepted that this is one mark that i have to carry for my life, yeah I saw that grin..believe me I hated it..still as long as its me writing this its fine.

Life in cyberspace isn't cool. Your existence is a limited to some sectors on a magnet(at least that's how I figure it out), and is a matter of whim of your creator.

Having independent thoughts and ideas is a tough task. You simply reflect those of your creator, and thus its the creator who gets praised. Well as they say, "its he who has written the book credited rather than the paper its printed on". Still, I wish the paper had a voice, to tell how it feels to go thru multiple hands, how it feels to be twisted, sometimes even torn, how it feels to grow old....

But I have a voice..and I can express myself. Though my life is not much different from that of a paper. Just being the medium to carry someone's feelings and thoughts is a rewarding experience, but is a thankless job.

And as Bryan Adams says .." Here I Am, this is me, I've come into the (cyber)world so I'm free.." , I have a voice...and my medium is nothing but another one like me. Its like putting a paper's story on a paper....

There's always someone who never gets thanked, isn't it?


wise donkey said...

tough world :(
btw i had always wondered on your id name :

wise donkey said...

tough world :(
btw i had always wondered on your id name :)

shantanu said...

Mr. Anderson???? ;)